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How did gwen stacy die. Books similar to Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Volume 1

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How did gwen stacy die 



:カスタマーレビュー: The Amazing Spider-Man: The Night Gwen Stacy Died (Amazing Spiderman).


He goes to his apartment and sees that Osborn took his girlfriend. He uses his spider-sense to find The Green Goblin on the top of The George Washington Bridge in New York City.

This is when we begin to find out how Gwen Stacy died. Spider-Man approaches and The Green Goblin basically tells Spider-Man to kill himself or else Gwen Stacy dies. Since Peter is sick and has a bad sense of balance, he decides to cut the fight short by grabbing his enemy with his web shooter and with all of his spider-strength he pulls him toward him and punches him with everything he has. Goblin falls toward the Hudson River but uses his remote-controlled flyer to recover. Spider-Man thinks his best bet is to pick up Gwen and run.

She seems to be in a state of shock. The Goblin flies by and whacks her off the bridge toward the water. by Njera Perkins 13 hours ago. By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from POPSUGAR. Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? How Does Gwen Stacy Die in The Amazing Spider-Man 2? How Does Gwen Stacy Die in the Spider-Man Comic Books?

Is Gwen Stacy's Death in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Accurate? Does Peter Parker Come to Terms With Gwen Stacy's Death in Spider-Man: No Way Home? Image Source: Everett Collection. Emma Stone Tom Holland The Amazing Spider-man 2 Andrew Garfield Sony Spider-Man Movies Spider-Man: No Way Home. You May Also Like. Emma Stone. Emma Stone Responds to Being Booed at Padres—Mets Game With Instantly Classic Reaction. by Sabienna Bowman 3 weeks ago.

Tom Holland. Jacob Batalon Says Living With Tom Holland Was "Not the Best Environment, but the Funnest". by Eden Arielle Gordon 4 weeks ago. Celebrity Couples. Zendaya Revealed Who She Texted After Her Emmys Win, and Yes, It Was Tom Holland. Red Carpet. The Story of Emma Stone's Iconic Red Hair in "Superbad," 15 Years Later. transcended into the mainstream popular culture. Marvel Comics began to act out against authority. It efforts started when they dropped the Comics Code Authority stamp of approval from its comic books.

The stamp was designed to sit in the upper right corner of every comic book to show its readers that there was no overt violence, drugs, sex or foul language. Marvel made 3 issues Amazing Spider-Man 96, 97, and 98 in which the stamp was not on the cover of the book. Doing this opened up a world of opportunity for Marvel and comics DC followed shortly thereafter with the release of a Green Lantern storyline that focused on heroin addiction.

Comics began to focus less on childish stories and more on mature ones. We began to see issues that discussed: Racism , Drugs, Poverty, Sex , etc….

Here was Spider-Man, the everyday good-guy, faced with a situation that he could not come out on top of. No matter what happened, Gwen was destined to die. If he had jumped off to save her, he would not have caught up with her and when he shot out his web, the whiplash broke her neck. Stan Lee made it a mission to have the character of Gwen Stacy illicit an emotional response from his readers when she walked into a room, uttered a single word or was placed in certain danger.

When Spider-Man attempts to take down the Green Goblin one of Spider-Man's most powerful enemies at the end of the film, Gwen gets caught in the middle of the fight and falls down a clock tower.

After defeating the Green Goblin, Spider-Man shoots a web strand down the tower and catches Gwen. When he goes to check on her, she's hanging limp, and although there's no blood anywhere, it's clear she's dead since she's unresponsive. Since Spider-Man appears to have caught her before she hit the ground, how exactly did she die? The comic give insight. In The Amazing Spider-Man , there's a story arc called "The Night Gwen Stacy Died," during which the Green Goblin, aka Norman Osborn, abducts Gwen and takes her to a bridge which is sometimes depicted as the Brooklyn Bridge, and at other times, the George Washington Bridge in the comics to lure Spider-Man into a fight.

Once he arrives, the two battle it out, and then the Green Goblin throws Gwen off the bridge. Spider-Man shoots a web strand at her legs and catches her, but as he pulls her up, he realizes she's dead.

He's so sure he saved her, so when she's unresponsive, he's confused. That's when Green Goblin tells him, " A fall from that height would kill anyone before they struck the ground ," implying her death is caused by the shock of the fall, which causes Spider-Man to blame himself for putting Gwen in harm's way.

In The Amazing Spider-Man , a note in the comic refutes what the Green Goblin says about Gwen dying before she hit the ground.


How Did Gwen Stacy Die? – Orgamesmic.Gwen stacy icons

  で、The Amazing Spider-Man: The Night Gwen Stacy Died (Amazing Spiderman) の役立つカスタマーレビューとレビュー評価をご覧ください。 RIP Gwen Stacy - 「いいね!」件 - The beautiful, exquisite and more than amazing Gwen Stacy has passed away, Peter Parkers(SPIDERMAN) true love shall /11/04 - このピンは、Keiraさんが見つけました。あなたも Pinterest で自分だけのピンを見つけて保存しましょう!    


- Books similar to Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, Volume 1


The two-issue story was written by Gerry Conway , with pencil art by Gil Kane and inking by John Romita Sr. and Tony Mortellaro. The story features a confrontation between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. Having discovered Spider-Man's identity, the Green Goblin abducts Spider-Man's girlfriend Gwen Stacy. Gwen is killed during the battle, and a subsequent fight results in the Goblin's death. Prior to the release of the story arc, it was not considered common for major members of a superhero's supporting cast to be killed.

As a result, "The Night Gwen Stacy Died" is widely regarded as the most pivotal Spider-Man story outside of his origin and one of the most important comics of all time; its release is widely said to have ended the Silver Age of Comic Books and jumpstarted the Bronze Age , which further increased the emphasis on more mature subject matter pioneered by the Silver Age.

Gwen's death and the story at large had major impact on the Marvel brand, as they directly led to increased emphasis on Luke Cage and Mary Jane Watson , the creation of the Punisher , and Green Goblin's status as Spider-Man's archenemy in alternate media and, following his resurrection during the Clone Saga , the comics. The arc's popularity has led it to be alluded to in various alternate media, most notably partial direct adaptations in the feature films Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Prior to this arc, Norman Osborn had been the Green Goblin, but due to amnesia , he had suspended his identity as the supervillain and forgotten that Spider-Man is Peter Parker.

Also, Harry Osborn , Parker's best friend and Norman's son, became addicted to drugs and was sequestered in the Osborn home for detoxification. Norman's parental grief, combined with financial pressure, triggered a breakdown resulting in Norman Osborn remembering his Goblin identity and again targeting Spider-Man and his loved ones for misery. The Green Goblin abducts Peter's girlfriend, Gwen Stacy , and lures Spider-Man to a tower of either the Brooklyn Bridge as depicted in the art or the George Washington Bridge as given in the text.

Spider-Man shoots a web strand at her legs and catches her. As he pulls her up, he thinks he has saved her, however he quickly realizes she is dead.

Unsure whether her neck was broken by the whiplash from her sudden stop or had been already broken by the Goblin prior to her fall, he blames himself for her death. A note on the letters page of The Amazing Spider-Man states: "It saddens us to say that the whiplash effect she underwent when Spidey's webbing stopped her so suddenly was, in fact, what killed her.

The Green Goblin escapes, and Spider-Man cries over Stacy's corpse and swears revenge. The following issue, Spider-Man tracks the Green Goblin to a warehouse and beats him but cannot bring himself to kill him. The Goblin uses the opportunity to send his glider to impale Spider-Man from behind.

Warned by his spider-sense, Spider-Man dodges, and the glider instead impales the Green Goblin, seemingly killing him. Later, a devastated Parker, back at home, encounters an equally shocked and saddened Mary Jane Watson , who has lost a close friend with Gwen's death, and the two attempt to comfort each other in the wake of their loss.

Inker John Romita Sr. recalled in a interview how the character to be killed off for what became The Night Gwen Stacy Died was selected. Romita and Amazing Spider-Man writer Gerry Conway were initially asked by the editors to kill off Aunt May.

They organized a plot session at Conway's apartment and disagreed with killing Aunt May, opining that if she were to die, Peter would not have to worry about her anymore and be no longer treated as a child again, thus deciding to kill either Mary Jane Watson or Gwen Stacy.

Romita proposed to kill the latter as the former served as a comical character at the time, taking inspiration of the decisions to kill off character from Milton Caniff , author of the Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon comic strips. Writer Conway's memory of how Gwen was selected as the character to be killed off is more contradictory: in he told author Sean Howe that it was he and editor Roy Thomas who first discussed killing off Aunt May, but when Romita heard about this he suggested that Gwen was a more suitable candidate.

Stan Lee , co-creator of both Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy, was consulted by Conway, editor Roy Thomas and Romita about killing Gwen Stacy. When asked about how he accepted the decision, Lee said: " I was just getting ready to go to Europe on some sort of a business trip to meet somebody to discuss something about Marvel.

And I think I wasn't thinking too clearly, because when they said, 'We'd like to kill Gwen Stacy,' I said, 'Well, if that's what you want to do, okay. and when I came back and found out that Gwen had been killed, I thought 'Why would they do that? Why would Gerry write anything like that? In the comic book collection The Greatest Marvels of All Time: Amazing Spider-Man was the 6 comic , Conway explained that Gwen and Peter were a "perfect couple", but taking that relationship to the next level i.

marriage or at least Peter revealing his secret identity to her would "betray everything that Spider-Man was about", i. personal tragedy and anguish as root of Peter's life as Spider-Man. Killing Gwen Stacy was a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: breaking up the "unfitting" relationship and reinforcing the element of personal tragedy which was, in his opinion, the essence of Spider-Man. The bridge in the original issue of Amazing Spider-Man was stated in the text to be the George Washington Bridge.

The Pulse 4 Sept. The art of The Amazing Spider-Man , however, depicts the Brooklyn Bridge. Some reprints of the issue have had the text amended and now state the bridge to be the Brooklyn Bridge rather than the George Washington Bridge. Titles supporting the Brooklyn Bridge include The Amazing Spider-Man — , The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 21 , and Daredevil v. In a television interview for the Travel Channel 's Marvel Superheroes Guide to New York City , Stan Lee said that the artist for the issue had drawn the Brooklyn Bridge, but that he as editor mistakenly labeled it the George Washington Bridge.

This was corrected in newer prints of the issue. Different bridges are depicted in subsequent adaptations of the storyline. Mary Jane Watson was thrown off the Queensboro Bridge in both Ultimate Spider-Man 25 and the Spider-Man movie , while in Spider-Man: The Animated Series , Mary Jane is thrown off the George Washington Bridge. The comic features a "snap" sound effect next to Gwen Stacy's head in the panel in which Spider-Man's webbing catches her. In The Amazing Spider-Man Oct.

In short, it was impossible for Peter to save her. He couldn't have swung down in time; the action he did take resulted in her death; if he had done nothing, she still would certainly have perished. There was no way out. In the History Channel special Spider-Man Tech , Stan Lee states that her neck was indeed snapped.

Physicist and comic collector James Kakalios , in his book The Physics of Superheroes , states that in the real world, the whiplash effect would have killed her. An issue of Peter Parker: Spider-Man revisits the issue, and further confirms Gwen died of a broken neck due to the use of the webbing. For some time, however, fans speculated that the shock of the fall itself caused Gwen Stacy's death, due to the Green Goblin telling Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man , "Romantic idiot!

She was dead before your webbing reached her! A fall from that height would kill anyone — before they struck the ground!

In the fourth issue of Marvels , it was reported that she died from the shock of the fall, however Phil, a photographer and witness, is unsure about exactly what kills her. Several subsequent issues have echoed Gwen's death when others fell from great heights during Spider-Man's battles. On most occasions, he saves them by jumping after them and working with their momentum, rather than trying to stop them with his webbing as he did in the What If?

where he saves Gwen , most notably when he jumped off the same bridge to save Gwen's daughter, Sarah Stacy , around seven years after her death; due to accelerated aging caused by her Goblin-enhanced mutated body chemistry - Sarah's father being Norman Osborn after an artificial mixing of genes from Gwen and Norman to create the twins , Sarah looks exactly like her mother.

In another storyline, the Green Goblin once again replays the scenario, this time with Spider-Man's wife Mary Jane Watson-Parker. As with Gwen, Mary Jane plummets toward her death this time from the recoil from her gun when she shoots at the Green Goblin. Learning from his previous error, Spider-Man uses multiple weblines and catches every major joint, saving Mary Jane from suffering the same whiplash effect that killed Gwen.

During the Civil War , [16] both Iron Man and Captain America cited Gwen as argument for their opinions on the Superhuman Registration Act. Iron Man argued that if Spider-Man had received proper training as registered heroes were given, he would have saved her, while Captain America argued that Gwen was only in danger because the Goblin knew Spider-Man's identity, the Act requiring heroes to register their identities with the government. After Jane Foster becomes the new Valkyrie, she is reminded of how Spider-Man failed to save someone in a similar situation when she is forced to use her shape-shifting weapon to catch the fatally wounded Heimdall as he falls from a building after being attacked by Bullseye , and expresses concern that her actions have made Heimdall's wounds worse, but Heimdall gives no indication that he blames Jane for his death.

As John Romita Sr. recalls, Stan Lee's initial reaction towards Gwen Stacy's death was negative because he thought that Romita, Conway and Thomas had done it behind his back and he demanded that they bring her back immediately. Thomas, Romita, and other editorial board members, however, convinced him otherwise, stating that this would be an "embarrassing silliness" and could ruin the emotional impact of her death.

While developing the story for the Spider-Man: One More Day storyline along with Brian Michael Bendis , Mark Millar , Ed Brubaker and Dan Slott ; Joe Quesada and J. Michael Straczynski made plans to resurrect Gwen Stacy along with Harry Osborn , who had been killed in The Spectacular Spider-Man and ultimately revived during the story though this Harry was later revealed to be a clone who later died himself during the "Kindred Rising" storyline.

Numerous Marvel writers and editors, however, lobbied for Stacy to remain dead, forcing Quesada and Straczynski to discard their idea upon frustratingly realizing that they were outnumbered.

Gwen was ultimately resurrected, albeit temporarily, during the " Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy " crossover event. In the story, Gwen is resurrected by Ben Reilly alongside other deceased Spider-Man supporting characters, initially helping him achieve his goals but eventually assisting Peter and dying after the two of them make amends with each other.

In a non-canonical parallel universe story in What If? In the aftermath of this rescue, he proposed to Gwen after revealing his secret identity to her, and, in a subsequent confrontation with the Green Goblin, Norman Osborn finally fought off his evil side when Harry moved to protect him regardless of what he'd become.

Their life, however, was not destined to be a happy one; to ensure his victory, the Goblin had sent J. Jonah Jameson proof of Spider-Man's real identity, which Jonah had subsequently published and used to acquire a warrant for Peter's arrest, thus forcing Peter to escape from the police mere moments after his wedding to Gwen. As the issue ended, Gwen departed with Joe "Robbie" Robertson , who promised Gwen that they would do whatever they could to help Peter.

In What If? At the end of the one-shot What If: The Other by Peter David , Peter now calling himself "Poison" uses part of the Venom symbiote attached to him resurrect Gwen, who becomes Carnage. Punisher 1 — "What if Peter Parker became the Punisher?

Feeling guilty over almost getting her killed, he quits being the Punisher to be with her, leaving his costume in a bin, where it is found by Frank Castle. Gwen's death shocked Spider-Man readers, with some appreciating the bold move and others horrified by the unexpected demise of a popular character. In Amazing Spider-Man Oct , an editorial comment on the letters page explained the creators' view:. But marriage seemed wrong, too. Peter just wasn't ready.

So Gerry, Roy and Stan debated the question All had reached the same inescapable conclusion. Gwen's death was simply fated to happen. Events had shaped themselves in such a way that their only logical resolution was tragedy. So don't blame Gerry. Don't blame Stan. Don't blame anyone. Only the inscrutable, inexorable workings of circumstance are culpable this time. Fans were not appeased by this explanation, and Romita says that Marvel received some death threats.

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